We develop and build Analytical Instruments for quality assurance and control, using Magnetic Resonance Technology to increase the efficiency and profitability of our Clients.
Agriculture and Food
We offer Equipment Solutions for Quality Control & Assurance in Seed, Grain, Oils & by-products, Dressings (mayonnaise and sauces), Olives, Avocado, Chocolate, Fish and Dairy.
Spinlock offers all these solutions on both Benchtop and Inline systems, to mount on Labs and Production lines alike.
Spinlock R&D teams work constantly to develop new applications and improve current technological solutions for the Agriculture and Food Industries.
Oil & Gas
NMR Technology is widely used in the Oil & Gas Industry. Besides Porosity Measurement and other Lab applications, Spinlock has developed unique multiphase measurement technology for Well Control, joint venturing with other O&G Companies.
Current Technology measures the percentage of Oil, Water and Gas without having to separate phases. An inline solution was developed, together with a Multiphase Water Cut Meter, named SLK GOW.
The Fiber manufacturing industry holds a traditional NMR Application: Spin Finish. Spinlock has developed its own solution for determining the Oil Pick-Up content.
Spinlock’s technology allows for the solution to be deployed also both on the Lab (Benchtop Units) and Inline, with its unique Inline TD-NMR Equipment. Weighing and Non-weighing methods are available.
Spinlock technology also finds applications for the Bioenergy market. Spinlock NMR Technology offers analytical solutions during the entire process of vegetable Oil to fuel conversion.
Our solutions can be used as early as during grain reception, continuing with control points during the transesterification process, and finally NMR is a robust technique to determine, rapidly, Water content and Blend control of the final product.